Our new single of Henri Lazarof’s 6th Quartet has been released! More info here

Help Support the Lydian String QUartet!

photo by Robert Mattson

“If you think about it, the idea of having a world-class professional string quartet in residence at a small university is radical. But for all of us it was normal. I never stopped to ponder what a luxury it was to have them guiding our education – until today.”

That’s what one alumnus wrote when we learned that the Lydian String Quartet's contract at Brandeis University is coming to an end. To ensure the Lydian String Quartet exists in perpetuity, like Brandeis itself, we are working to create a permanent endowment in support of the group.

In the short term, we have an immediate funding goal of $700,000 that must be secured before the quartet's current contract expires on June 30, 2025. Our larger goal is to raise $7 million to ensure that the Lydians, which have been a cornerstone of our cultural identity for 45 years, continue to make music on our campus, with our students, and for our community.

Thank you for your support (and click here to donate). Please know how grateful we are for your generosity, which will go a long way to preserving the legacy of the Lydians and their permanent residency at Brandeis.


Aida Yuen Wong
Head of the Division of the Creative Arts, Brandeis University

and the Lydians: Clara, Julia, Mark, and Josh

P.S. You can make your gift online, and if you have questions, please contact Hannah Taytslin Devine, Director of Development, School of Arts and Sciences and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, at 781.736.4005 or hmtd@brandeis.edu.

Meet THE Lydian String Quartet


Based out of Boston, the Lydian String Quartet has, according to the Washington Post,
"... revealed a fire that makes all timeless music forever contemporary."


"[The Lydian Quartet is] one of the country's superior chamber groups. The program was challenging: Faure's E-minor Quartet, far too seldom played; Schubert's 'Death and the Maiden' Quartet, often played and always welcome; and a new work, the Third Quartet by New York-based composer Lee Hyla. The setting was glorious, and so were the performances."
Alan Rich, Los Angeles Daily News

"The Lydians approached the works sensitively and with the full range of tone, from warmth to brashness, that the contemporary literature demands."
Allan Kozinn, The New York Times

"The Lydian Quartet plays beautifully here, with a precision and involvement marking them as among the world's best quartets."
Kevin M. Williams, Chicago Sun-Times


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Upcoming Events



Concert videos from Taipei National University of the Arts Concert Hall, Taiwan

Concert video from Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, USA

Joseph Haydn (1732-1809): String Quartet in E-flat Major Op. 76 no. 6

Audio tracks

Lydian String Quartet with guest violist Amadi Azikiwe
Brahms - String Quintet No.2 in G Major, Op.111 (1890) - II.Adagio
0:00 / 0:00
Lydian String Quartet, 2017
Haydn: String Quartet in D Major, Op.64 No.5, "The Lark" (1790) - II.Adagio cantabile
0:00 / 0:00




Jeremy Eichler, The Boston Globe, on the Lydians' recording of Beethoven's late quartets: "These distinguished readings are full of subtlety, tonal refinement, and a sense of accumulated musical wisdom."

Anthony Tommasini, The New York Times, on the Lydians' recording of music by Harold Shapero: "All three works receive assured and engrossing performances."

Richard Dyer, The Boston Globe, on the Lydians' recording of quartets by Charles Ives: "This is one of the great string quartet recordings, catching the Lydian Quartet in its recent prime in music it feels in the marrow of its bones."

Mike Brownell, All Music Guide, on the Lydians' recording of John Harbison's first four string quartets: "The Lydian String Quartet, often recognized for its successful coupling of traditional repertoire as well as new compositions, is perfectly suited for Harbison's works."

Galen H. Brown, sequenza21.com, on the Lydians' recording of Lee Hyla's String Quartet No. 4: "The disc starts with the Lydian String Quartet tearing into the opening notes of Hyla's String Quartet #4 (1999) as if it had insulted their mother."

Click on a CD cover for details on a recording. Listen to audio clips, find out where to buy (CD, iTunes, mp3), and read more rave reviews in detail.

Classical, Romantic, Early Modern, Mid-Century Modern
