
Gabriel Fauré: La Bonne Chanson

with Sanford Sylvan, baritone; David Breitman, piano

Nonesuch 79371

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"This disc was nominated for the 1997 Grammy Award for Best Classical Vocal Performance. The disc has been beautifully planned and executed. There are two song cycles, La Bonne Chanson, in the version for singer, piano and string quartet, and L'Horizon chimerique, [Fauré's] final work for voice (1921). Fauré is a composer subtle, elusive and precise, and Sylvan has learned that the most effective approach is to sing the music as simply, directly and meaningfully as possible; to attempt anything else is to make the strength of the songs evaporate into preciousness. The Lydian Quartet makes a supple contribution to La Bonne Chanson. This is a beautiful record that repays close attention to the details the performers have approached with such informed awareness; for once Fauré doesn't disappear into the misty horizon, and he is really there." Richard Dyer, The Boston Globe

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